This is a joint venture between Catalyst, the Ogden Trust, the RSC and All About STEM and will be of interest to secondary school colleagues, particularly those teachers of Chemistry, Physics and other STEM subjects, careers advisors, enrichment coordinators and school leaders responsible for curriculum or future pathways.
Arrival is 4pm for refreshments and networking, with the main event starting at 4:30pm. After the Teach Meet, there will be an opportunity to tour the Catalyst facilities should you wish.
The Ogden Trust is a charity “Making Physics Matter” through partnerships between schools. It aims to increase the uptake of physics by supporting teachers, especially where they are non-specialist or work in areas of deprivation.
Come and find out… about the support and funding you could access by being in an Ogden Partnership.
Catalyst Science and Discovery Centre aims to get your pupils excited and engaged with STEM subjects. Their free Chemistry at Work Week for KS3 (26-29 June) is an amazing opportunity for pupils to put classroom science into an everyday context by taking part in fun, STEM-related activities provided by companies such as BASF, SSE and Inovyn. In some cases, they can also provide travel bursaries! Their interactive science theatre show ‘Explore Your Universe’ takes visitors on a journey from within the atom to the far reaches of the universe!
Come and find out… about all the different the ways Catalyst can engage and enthuse your students!
All About STEM manages the regional STEM Ambassador Hub, the Big Bang North West, CREST Awards and a whole range of other projects in the North West.
Come and find out… how you can put curriculum into context and inspire your students to continue with their STEM studies and into STEM careers by providing them with a whole range of enrichment opportunities.
The Royal Society of Chemistry promotes, supports and celebrates chemistry and is the world’s leading chemistry community, advancing excellence in the chemical sciences.
Come and find out... about the free educational resources and the support that the Royal Society of Chemistry provides to teachers and students and join their free Learn Chemistry Partnership.
Teach Meet Attendee
14 available
Choose this ticket if you just want to come along, listen, find out, ask questions and network.
Teacher Speaker
2 available
Choose this ticket if you'd like a 5 minute slot to share with the Meet about a resource you've used, a project you've done, a great idea you've had.