Neck Rope Safety

Friday, 7 March '25   7:30pm – 9:30pm CET
Karl-Marx-Straße, Berlin, 12057
Fully booked

Waiting list

This event is fully booked, but you can add yourself to the waiting list.

Enter your details below to be informed by email when a place becomes available. You must respond promptly to the email to secure a place if one becomes available.

You will be notified by email if a space becomes available.
This is optional but may be useful for the event organiser.



Regular Ticket

Price is per person, and includes 19% VAT

Supporter Ticket

Price is per person, and includes 19% VAT. This ticket option supports the space, and helps us to make more low income tickets available

Low Income Ticket

Price is per person, and includes 19% VAT. We don't ask for proof of low income, but we ask that you use this option mindfully as we are only able to make a limited number of these tickets available.



Full address details and instructions on finding the space are contained in the booking confirmation message.