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Whole Systems Approach Summit: Physical Inactivity and Obesity

jueves, 12 noviembre '20   09:30 – 12:30 GMT
Zoom - Online
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Joanna Killian will welcome you to this virtual event which will bring together stakeholders from across Surrey who can have an impact on a whole systems approach (WSA) to both physical inactivity and obesity.

Stakeholders will be introduced to the WSA framework and will have the chance to discuss with colleagues from across the system how to implement the framework in Surrey. There will also be the chance to find out the results of our resident consultation on attitudes to physical activity which, in particular, is engaging with people with lived experience from the Health and Wellbeing Strategy’s priority populations: Children with SEND and Adults with a Learning Disability and/or Autism, People who need support to live independently, People from vulnerable communities (including looked after children, those living in deprivation and people from BAME communities), Young and Adult Carers.

We will host discussion groups to identify strategies to address inactivity across these populations and in specific places and spaces.


Whole Systems Approach Summit: Physical Inactivity and Obesity

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Zoom - Online