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Managing Employees in Local Councils

Tuesday, 29 April '25   10am – 1pm BST
Hockley Golf Club, Hockley Golf Course B3335, Twyford, Winchester, SO21 1PL
16 spaces available


This 2.5 hour session is designed to give you an overview of employment within the local council sector and how employees should be managed.

Suitable Audience
Councillors and staff responsible for managing people, or those who wish to develop their knowledge in this area.

This training may be held face to face or online. If online, you will need a device with a reasonable screen size such as a PC, laptop or tablet to be able to participate fully.

By the end of the ‘Managing Employees in a Local Council’ you will:

  • Know the different ways of employing people
  • Have an overview of employment within the local council sector and how employees should be managed
  • Have a greater understanding of key employment issues, such as employment status, terms and conditions, employment policies and appraisals
  • Thought about the use of Volunteers
  • Know some of the upcoming changes to employment law


Out of respect to other delegates and members of our staff, if you feel unwell on the morning of the course, please do not attend, but contact the Hampshire ALC office either by telephone or email.



Hampshire ALC Member / Development Partner

Ticket Costs are shown exclusive of VAT

Berkshire ALC Member

Ticket costs are shown exclusive of VAT

Non Member

Ticket costs are shown exclusive of VAT


Hockley Golf Club
Hockley Golf Course B3335
SO21 1PL