NEW!! April (micro) Session: ADHD in Children

Thursday, 20 April '23   7pm – 8pm MDT
Fully booked

Waiting list

This event is fully booked, but you can add yourself to the waiting list.

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Understanding ADHD in Children

This session provides the foundational and practical knowledge educators and caregivers need on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. Participants will explore what ADHD may look like in children as well as other experiences that can cause behaviours that look like ADHD. Strengths and opportunities that come with ADHD will be addressed along with common misunderstandings and myths. Finally, participants will discuss strategies for supporting children with ADHD in a variety of settings.


  • Define ADHD
  • Identify areas of strength and challenge related to ADHD
  • List strategies for supporting children with ADHD


Zoom link and materials will be emailed to you 1 - 2 days prior to the session



Please let us know if you can't attend. Space is limited.