Monthly Class Pass - ALL classes (except Bungee and Pilates)

£45.00Pass for unlimited classes.

Unlimited classes for a month (except Pilates)

Weekly Class Pass - ALL classes (except Bungee and Pilates)

£15.00Pass for unlimited classes.

Unlimited class pass for all classes except Pilates over 7 days both morning and evening

Mornings Only Class Pass including weekends (except Bungee and Pilates)

£10.00Pass for unlimited classes.

Class pass for unlimited morning classes including weekend morning classes.

On Demand Classes and Live Stream Only

£30.00Pass for unlimited classes.

Purchase a month’s pass for access to on demand classes and live stream only. These can be done at your leisure from home. Go to and create a log in. Access to Studio 2 On Demand will be added to your account.

Non-member Bungee x 4 sessions

£40.00Pass for 4 classes.
Pass can be used for:
  • BUNGEE FITNESS - Beginners Class

To be used within 2 months of purchase. Save £8 by purchasing 4 sessions in one go.

Unused sessions will not be refunded or transferred. Please make sure you use all 4 sessions within two months.

This pass is for anybody who is not a direct... [Read more]

Members Only Bungee x 4 sessions

£20.00Pass for 4 classes.
Pass can be used for:
  • BUNGEE FITNESS - Beginners Class
  • BUNGEE FITNESS - beginners class


To be used within 2 months of purchase. Save £20 by purchasing 4 sessions in one go.

Unused sessions will not be refunded or transferred. Please make sure you use all 4 sessions within two months.
... [Read more]

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