Mini Consultation


Valid for 1 year from purchase

This voucher entitles you to a mini consultation at one of our Sling Library Sessions

Vouchers are non refundable

12 months expiry (from date of purchase)

1:1 90 minute Consultation


This voucher entitles you to a 90 minute 1:1 Consultation

Please email us directly to book a 1:1 consultation

Vouchers are non refundable

12 months expiry (from date of purchase)

Workshop Voucher


Valid for 1 year from purchase

This voucher entitles you to book and attend one of our workshops

Vouchers are non refundable

12 months expiry (from date of purchase)

Sling Library Fit Check


Valid for 1 year from purchase

This voucher entitles you to attend one of our Sling Support sessions for a fit check of your own carrier.

Vouchers are non-refundable

12 months expiry (from date of purchase)

Sling Library - Sling Hire


Valid for 1 year from purchase

This voucher entitles you to the hire of x1 item for the period of one month from The Sling Library.

Vouchers are non-refundable

12 months expiry (from date of purchase)

Sling Library - Sling Hire 6 weeks


Valid for 1 year from purchase

This voucher entitles you to the hire of x1 item for the period of 6 weeks from The Sling Library.

Vouchers are non-refundable

12 months expiry (from date of purchase)

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