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Brean Play

Every person (including adults) must have a ticket to enter.

Brean Play Members - Please if you can no longer attend your booked session cancel your ticket so someone else has the opportunity to attend.

Sessions are added every 2 weeks.

Fra 5 maj 2024
maj, 2024
5 søn 09:30 BST
11:45 BST
14:00 BST
6 man 09:30 BST
11:45 BST
14:00 BST
7 tir 09:30 BST
10:30 BST
11:30 BST
15:30 BST
8 ons 09:30 BST
10:30 BST
11:30 BST
9 tor 09:30 BST
10:30 BST
11:30 BST
10 fre 12:00 BST
13:00 BST
15:30 BST
11 lør 09:30 BST
Tider vist i tidszone: London