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Lady McAdden Fundraising Events

Lady McAdden have been in operation since 1976, having formed after some lost money was found and never claimed. Lady McAdden herself sought out to put this money to good use and funded one of the first mammogram machines in the UK to help women be screened for breast cancer.

The charity moved away from providing breast screening during the pandemic for a number of reasons, and our efforts are now focused on educating women and raising awareness for the message “early detection saves lives”. The charity still employs specialist breast health nurses, who are available to talk to for any breast concerns including unknown lumps and bumps, pains, changes, and more. More often than not, our nurses will also step in to advocate for our patients to ensure they are seen by their GP and their concerns taken further. Once presented with a breast cancer diagnosis, they are also on hand to be a friendly ear and support the patient with any concerns they have about coping with their treatment and moving forward. Most of our appointments happen over the phone and anyone in the UK can access our service, we are not just here for people in the immediate locality of Southend.

Through our social media pages, newsletters, website, monthly text reminders, flyers and events we also help to educate all people on how to check themselves, what signs to look for, how to access routine screening through the NHS and the message that the earlier breast cancer is found, the easier it is to treat. We also provide in person awareness sessions for groups and clubs across the Essex region, as well as sessions for secondary schools to help educate from a young age of what to look out for, and to learn the life skill of checking their breasts regularly.

Although breast cancer effects so many lives, with 1 in 8 women being diagnosed, we have found that many people still don’t know how to effectively check themselves and what signs they should be aware of, this is what our charity tries to change. We receive no government funding and are not contracted by the NHS for our work, so fundraising is crucial to our survival. We welcome you to join in our at fundraising events to not only raise essential funds, but also awareness.

From 8 Sep 2024
September, 2024
13 Fri 12:30pm BST
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Times shown in timezone: London