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Welcome to TinyTalk Derbyshire Central!

Welcome to TinyTalk Derbyshire's booking site!
Lots for Tots WINNER of Baby Class of the Year 2024

What can you expect from your local TinyTalk class?

πŸ’œ Weekly themes such as mealtimes, family or a trip to the farm.

πŸ’œ An interactive musical class featuring well-known nursery rhymes and action songs, specially composed lyrics, musical instruments and of course, plenty of signs!

πŸ’œ Hands-on sensory activities to delight your baby and develop all-round communication skills.

πŸ’œ Social time after class, when you can enjoy a hot drink and biscuit while your baby enjoys playtime.

My TinyTalk class terms follow the Derbyshire school term dates. You can book a full term in advance, but you can also start classes midway through a term (subject to availability). Each term you'll learn 50 core signs which I know will make a huge difference to how you communicate with your baby.

With each term you can build on your signing knowledge in class and track your baby's signing milestones in the TinyTalk Home Learning Pack. Your baby will receive their very own personalised certificate for their first sign, and for key milestones as they reach them.

Every lesson in the year is different, featuring different signs for you to use at home, so as babies' interests develop there will always be something new for them, so you may want to return term after term after term!

Any questions or want more information?

Email me at
Call/text/Whatsapp me on 07976923975

From 13 Mar 2025
March, 2025
14 Fri Course: 4 dates
11:30am GMT
Course: 4 dates
18 Tue Course: 3 dates
11:30am GMT
Course: 3 dates
21 Fri 11:30am GMT
25 Tue 11:30am GMT
28 Fri 11:30am GMT
1 Tue 11:30am BST
4 Fri 11:30am BST
31 Wed 365 days
Times shown in timezone: London