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Big Bang @ Daresbury Laboratory - Morning Session

Thursday, 7 December '17   9am – 12pm GMT, Daresbury Laboratory, Sci-Tech Daresbury, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AD
Fully booked


Big Bang @ Daresbury Laboratory - Morning

at STFC Daresbury Laboratory in partnership with Shaping Futures

Thursday 7th December, 09.00 - 12.00pm

All About STEM, in partnership with the Shaping Futures, is delighted to be able to invite your school to take part in one of our 'Mini Big Bang' events. This is a free-of charge STEM inspirational event with hands-on workshops, science shows & a careers market place.

You can book to bring a group of 12 Y9 students & you will get to experience two of the following workshops provided by...

  • Daresbury Laboratory Public Engagement Team
  • Farm Urban - Aquaponics Workshop, build a produce pod
  • FUEd - Drs of the future, use augmented reality to diagnose diseases


  • See an exciting & informative science show delivered by Science2u
  • and have a chance to meet & speak to universities in the careers marketplace

What a deal!

Timings for a morning like this are...

08.45 – 09.00 Arrive & register
09.00 – 09.15 Welcome talk & presentation
09.15 – 09.50 Session 1
09.55 – 10.30 Session 2
10.35 – 11.10 Session 3
11.15 – 11.50 Session 4
11.50 – 12.00 Evaluations & depart

This event is very kindly funded by Shaping Futures & is a part of our Big Bang in the North West events programme!

Risk assessment & media consent form can be downloaded directly from this site. If yo have any trouble please contact us via email.


Group of 12 Students

Daresbury Laboratory
Sci-Tech Daresbury
Daresbury, Warrington