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The Inside Scoop Online

Friday, 22 May '20   1pm – 2pm BST
Zoom - Online
53 spaces available

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.


Our last Inside Scoop was at the marvellous 'Chapters of Us' cafe and came with brews and beers and bites to eat. This time, you'll need to provide your own venue and refreshments but the company will be just as good!

Come and meet virtually with the All About STEM team! This Zoom session will give you the chance to:

  • Find out about the how you can engage with some of the different projects we run e.g. the Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge for Schools programme, STEM Clubs Champions, the Inspiration Station, CREST Awards
  • Meet one of our STEM Ambassadors, a mechanical engineer, who'll be setting a challenge activity for your pupils
  • Chat with others about what's happening in your schools and workplaces during these peculiar times
  • Generally have a Friday afternoon giggle!
  • Win a prize for the best Zoom virtual background!



Primary School Teacher

15 available

Secondary School Teacher

7 available

SEND School Teacher

10 available

FE College Teacher

10 available

STEM Ambassador Ticket

16 available

Other Partner

15 available

Online event information

Zoom - Online