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Farewell 2023 Class

Saturday, 30 December '23   10:30am – 12:30pm GMT
Farewell 2023 Class


A gentle yoga and movement session to gather and release 2023 and the many challenges it has seen for many across the planet. A chance to get together, breathe peace and breath 2024 in together.
All money raised will go to MAP -Medical Aid for Palestinians.

Either pay in cash on the day or use Annamaria bank account. All details will be transparent and screenshot of transfer sent to all participants on completion.


Please wear layers, warm socks, a jumper. All equipment provided.



Farewell 2023 Benefit class

This class is by donation . All money will be sent to MAP and a screenshot of the donation sent to all participants.A sheet will be kept on the day showing donations for transparency. Please either pay cash on day or send money to Annamaria on 835100 sort, account 10435683, RBS business, Annamaria Sacco. Please use MAP and your surname for reference, thank you.