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Finding Gold In The Darkness

Sunday, 29 October '23   2pm – 5pm GMT
Grief workshop Zoom room
Only 3 spaces left
Finding Gold In The Darkness

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.


How were you taught to tend to grief?

Grief rituals have been practised by indigenous peoples for thousands of years to support them in the process of grieving. Dagara Elder and author Malidoma Somé said: "A man who doesn't grieve is a grenade in the village."

Lee and Karin are facilitating this online grief workshop which includes guided contemplation, inquiry and a simple ritual you can conduct in your own home. All practices in the session are optional and you will not be asked to share anything you don't want to.

In David Whyte's words:

Those who will not slip beneath
the still surface on the well of grief
turning down to its black water
to the place that we can not breathe

will never know the source from which we drink
the secret water cold and clear
nor find in the darkness the small gold coins
thrown by those who wished for something else

[From:The Well of Grief by David Whyte]


Please bring:

  • A candle and something to light it with
  • A stone
  • Writing paper and pen
  • Optional: photos or object(s) that represent something or someone to grieve (you don't need to decide before the workshop)

Please ensure you are in a private space and ideally that you have eaten more than one hour before the session.



Grief workshop ticket


Online event information

Grief workshop Zoom room