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St Raphael's Holiday Club - Cub Scouts

Tuesday, 1 June '21   10am – 2pm BST
35th Willesden Scouts, St Raphael's Family Wellbeing Centre, Rainborough Close, London, NW10 0TR
8 to 10 years
Only 1 space left
St Raphael's Holiday Club - Cub Scouts


Find out what it is like to be a Cub Scout for a day.
Play exciting team games and challenges.
Do your best to complete the scientist badge with fun experiments.

Lunch and a drink are provided along with information about your local scout group.

Level: Cub Scouts


Registration for the event is at 10am, you'll need to wear suitable clothing for activity with comfortable shoes to run around it. Bring a waterproof jacket just in case it rains.



Cub Scout Holiday Club (8-10½ years)



35th Willesden Scouts
St Raphael's Family Wellbeing Centre
Rainborough Close
NW10 0TR


  • Toilets
  • Parking