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Yoga, Cacao & Sound

Saturday, 2 December '23   11am – 5:30pm GMT
The Green Room
Fully booked
Yoga, Cacao & Sound

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Recharge your energy and gather with us at Brinkburn for a day of healing and connecting.

Start the day with a Kundalini Yoga session from Claire Stewart, followed by a light lunch of warming winter soup. We will then be joined by Josie Donaldson who will talk to us about the benefits of Aromatherapy and her expertise in the industry. There will also be a pop up stall for you to purchase any oils on the day. You will then have the opportunity to explore the estate grounds and ancient woodland surrounding The Priory. In the afternoon you will have a Cacao Ceremony with Sarah from The Wash House, followed by Relaxation and Sound Healing with Rachel from LIFE Holistic Therapies.

Known as the yoga of awareness, the aim of this practice is to develop a strong connection to the mind, body and soul. Beginners and intermediates are all welcome and postures can be modified to suit everyone. The sessions involve inspiring music and the meaningful chanting of Mantras.

Cacao Ceremonies are ancient rituals that have been performed in South America for centuries and are now popular worldwide. Cacao is not chocolate as we know it, it is a sacred plant medicine, a powerful superfood used for its healing properties. Unlike modern sweet milky chocolate, Cacao is raw chocolate in its purest form, bitter and earthy to taste. The organic Ceremonial Cacao used in the ceremony is transformational and energising, it will lift our spirits, liven our mood and open our hearts.
Sarah and Rachel are offering you the combination of a Cacao Ceremony and a Sound Bath. This creates a powerful sensory experience that can facilitate deep relaxation, inner exploration and emotional release. The sound waves can help to balance the body’s energy system, while the Cacao can help to open the heart and promote feelings of deep connection and empathy.


Please note this event is WOMEN ONLY.

Please bring weather appropriate footwear and outerwear for the walk.

All equipment is provided.



Yoga, Cacao & Sound

One ticket for the Yoga, Cacao & Sound event at Brinkburn Northumberland.


The Green Room

The Garden Room is located within The Stables. Please park in the customer car park at the top of the hill or half way down the track in the Brinkburn Staff car park. From here, you will walk down the track towards The Priory. At the bottom, turn right and head through the gate. You will see The Tipi and The Stables ahead. Please enter via the white door, a member of the Brinkburn Team will be there to greet you.


  • Toilets
  • Parking