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Equality Dancing

Wednesday, 21 February '24   7:15pm – 9:30pm GMT
Beechwood Club, 3tr Beechwood Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 3TP
9 spaces available


Learn a varied range of latin and ballroom dances as well as popular line dances and party dances in this LGBTQ+ friendly class. Suitable for beginners and more experienced dancers. Everyone is welcome and no need to bring a partner unless you want to!
Class timetable:
7.15pm - improvers class
8pm - beginners class
8.45pm - both groups join together to learn a fun line dance
9pm- practice/social time
9.15pm - cool down


Wear dance shoes, dance trainers or smooth soled shoes.



Equality Dance Single Session (from 4th September)


Equality Dancing Beginners 6 Weeks from 4th September

Class starts at 8pm, you are welcome to stay for social dancing and practice after the class. The evening finishes at 9.30pm.

Equality dance improvers six weeks from 4th September

Class starts at 7.15pm prompt. Please stay for the beginners class at 8pm and for social dancing/practice afterwards. The evening finishes at 9.30pm.


Beechwood Club
3tr Beechwood Road
BS16 3TP

There is a kitchen for making tea and coffee at the venue.


  • Toilets
  • Parking