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Monday, 2 May '22   9 weeks
Browne School of Art, 194 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland, 1021
Fully booked

Waiting list

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Course Code: EPP222
Tutor: Linda Roche
When: Mon 6.00 - 9.00pm
Date: 2 May - 4 July 2022
Duration: 9 Weeks
Maximum Enrolment: 10

Cost: $420

This exciting mixed media course has an exploratory focus and is suited to students of all levels. If you are a beginner it will get you started. If you are currently painting it will energise and extend your working practice.

This course operates as a series of guided sessions that explore a wide range of painting and drawing materials and approaches. You will leave the course filled with ideas and armed with a working knowledge of how material and process can be used and combined to create marks, depth, and texture in a painting. This course accommodates a smaller number of students and maximizes tutor to student ratios.

As this course has an exploratory focus there is a $25 material levy for each student and payable to your tutor at the first session. This goes toward purchasing a selection of products (see below) that will be used during the course. This gives students the opportunity to establish which products they most like working with and which are most suited to their developing ideas without having to buy a whole range of products they may not use in the future. We will discuss this further in the first class.

NB: Please remember to bring materials from the course "materials list" online.


Materials list
Paint & Possibility - with Linda Roche
A basic kit of materials to get you up and going is listed here. Specialist art shops are the best option and will provide student discounts if you mention that you are attending the school. The stores we recommend are:
• Studio Art Supplies, Crummer Road, Grey Lynn
• The French Art Shop, Taylors Road, Morningside
• Gordon Harris, Gillies Avenue, Newmarket and Symonds Street, Auckland Central
• Takapuna Art Supplies, Takapuna
ESSENTIAL – required for first class
White: 500ml
Black: 250ml or smallest size available
Brushes: 1x soft wash/glazing brush, flat/approx. 5cm (hair or synthetic) buy the best affordable
2x all-purpose bristle brushes (approx. 5cm wide) purchased from art supply or hardware stores for around $4
Plastic palette: with different compartments for mixing paint and mediums Masking tape: MUST be delicate/low tack (purple or pale green – purple best) Rags
ESSENTIAL – but don’t purchase until after first class
Acrylic paint
1 x Black
1 x White
1 x Grey – Paynes Grey
1 x Brown – Burnt Sienna
1 x Red – Alizarin Crimson 1 x Blue – Ultramarine Blue 1 x Yellow – Lemon Yellow
As this course has an exploratory focus there is a $25 material levy for each student, which goes toward purchasing a selection of products (see below) that will be trialed during the course. This gives students the opportunity to establish which products they most like working with and which are most suited to their developing ideas without having to buy a whole range of products they may not use in the future. We will discuss this further in the first class.
Glazing mediums, primal
Modelling compounds, impasto mediums
Shellac – white, orange, ruby
Inks – Indian and coloured
Blackboard paint, spraypaint
Additional paint colours – yellow ochre, umbers, siennas etc Interference paints and mediums
Oil sticks, pastels, conte, charcoal
Graphite – powder and stick
Coloured pencils, paint pens, graphic markers
Water soluble products – pencils, crayons, pastels
Palette knives, scrapers, sponges, rollers
Sandpaper, steel wool etc...



Standard Booking

Online payment includes payment fee of 2.9% + NZ$0.30. Offline payment details on confirmation page.

Standard Booking + $10.00 BSA Student Fund - Donation

A $10 donation will go to our BSA Student Fund - helping those who are unwaged or under financial hardship (with a Community Services Card) to attend our courses.


Browne School of Art
194 Great North Road
Grey Lynn