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Promoting Positive Behaviour - England and Wales at Crawley Denvale Park

Tuesday, 2 April '19   9:45am – 3:30pm BST
Busy Bees at Crawley, Denvale Trade Park, Haslett Ave East, Crawley, RH10 1SS
18 spaces available


who should attend this course?

You should attend this course if you are a parent or work with children or young people who want to develop a better understanding of how to respond to the difficult or challenging behaviour of the children that they work with.

This course is ideal for

Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Nursery Workers, Carer’s and Childminders Social Workers and Health Care Professionals Youth/Activity workers, leaders, after school workers and volunteers Sports coaches and teachers Church/religious leaders and volunteers

What will I learn?

You will develop an understanding of the principles of behaviour management and how to deal with unwanted behaviour in the setting. You will be able to identify the importance of the environment when supporting children. You will also explore how British Values support positive behaviour.

Key Topics:
· Challenging behaviour
· Types of challenging behaviour
· Reason for challenging behaviour
·Understanding Schema’s and how implement these to support children’s learning
· Strategies for managing challenging behaviour
· Positive reinforcement



Principles of promoting positive behaviour - england and wales at crawley denvale park

18 available
For more information on discounts for bulk purchases please email:


Busy Bees at Crawley
Denvale Trade Park
Haslett Ave East
RH10 1SS