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Catherine Oldacre Tournament 2025

Sunday, 13 July '25   8am – 4pm BST
Oakleaf Field, Cheltenham Racecourse, Cheltenham, Cheltenham Archers, Southam Lane, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire


Venue: Oakleaf Field, Cheltenham Racecourse

Status: UK Record Status for all rounds

Chairman of Judges: Adrian Gifkins & Malcom Wootton

Lady Paramount: TBA

Organiser: Cheltenham Archers Tournament Organisers

Rounds: UKRS WA 1440, Metric Rounds I-V

Shooting: Up to 4 archers per boss shooting in two details. Ends will consist of 6 arrows in 4 minutes. Layered Foam bosses.

Equipment inspection: 08.45am
Assembly: 9.15am
Sighters: 9:30am (or as soon as equipment inspection is completed)

Dress: Archery GB Dress regulations as shown in Rule 307 will apply.

Drug testing: As the tournament has been granted UK Record Status archers will be liable for drug testing, and competitors approached to give samples must comply. A refusal to do so will be treated as a positive result. Entries from archers under 18 must be signed by a parent/guardian to signify their consent to their child being drug tested if approached.

Archery GB Cards: Archers must have their Archery GB membership cards or their e-cards available when registering.

Photography: In view of the provisions of the Archery GB “Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults” Policy, those who wish to take photographs at this event are to register with the tournament organiser before shooting commences.

Refreshments: Will be available throughout the day

Disclaimer: Cheltenham Archers disclaim any responsibility for lost or damaged equipment.

Other details: If any archer has any particular requirements based on disability, please inform the tournament organiser when the entry form is submitted.

Awards: Awards will be presented per category, dependant on the number of entries and is agreed by the Cheltenham Archers Tournament Committee. Juniors should enter rounds applicable to their age group.

Entries and Fee: £15.00 for Seniors, £10.00 for Juniors. Entry Fees are non-refundable.

Target List / Results: Please provide your e-mail address for the target list and result sheet.

Closing Date: Written applications, with payment, must be received by midnight Sunday 29th June. No formal Entries will be accepted after this time. Anyone applying for a Late Entry will be invited to turn up on the day of the shoot, “on spec”, to see if there are vacancies. There are no Late Entry charges.

Note re Juniors: Juniors must be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian during the Tournament.



Catherine Oldacre Entry Senior Archer

Available until Sun 6 Jul 12am

Catherine Oldacre Entry Junior Archer

Available until Sun 6 Jul 8am


Oakleaf Field, Cheltenham Racecourse, Cheltenham
Cheltenham Archers
Southam Lane