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Reset Full Moon Cacao Ceremony, Rebirthing Breathwork & Sound Healing

Wednesday, 22 May '24   7pm – 9pm AEST
Hugh Bamford Reserve Hall, Hugh Bamford Reserve, North Bondi, NSW, 2026
Fully booked
Reset Full Moon Cacao Ceremony, Rebirthing Breathwork & Sound Healing

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After the stress of April's eclipse and Mercury retrograde, May brings a welcome calm and social Gemini season & a Sagittarius Full Moon.
A perfect time to come together in circle to connect, share, open our hearts, move, release and integrate!

Come and join myself and the lovely Mia for the Sagittarius Full Moon for a Shamanic Cacao ceremony, movement, voice activation, breathwork journey & sound bath as well as some sharing and releasing the old with a fire ceremony.

Pluto is retrograde motivating us to transform thoughts into tangible actions & Mercury's entry into Taurus focuses on upholding boundaries in our relationships, empowering you to articulate and meet your needs, promoting a healthy balance of personal space and desires. So a perfect time to release relationships, behaviours & beliefs that no longer serve you and get clear on what you are calling in.

The sun’s journey into sociable Gemini as well as Venus ushers in a period of playful and flirtatious energy. A full moon in daring Sagittarius heralds a potent time for manifestation, marking the culmination of earlier efforts. The month wraps up with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, entering lively Gemini, closing out the month on an upbeat note filled with opportunities for growth, laughter, and enjoyment.

Open your heart with a heart opening shamanic cacao ceremony, full moon intentions, connection to the elements, directions & guardians and moving through the elements to open our energy centres with movement and voice activation.

Chrissie will then take you through a Rebirthing Breathwork & Reiki to drop deeper and reset your nervous system and connect to a deeper part of yourselves for inner guidance.

Rebirthing breathwork, the 'yin' of breathwork, a connected conscious breath that awakens our energy body and helps to unlock the breathing mechanism.

This breathwork can help us to:

  • regulate our nervous systems
  • create safety in our bodies so we can release old patterning & limiting beliefs
  • shift old trauma, pain & stagnant energy held in our physical bodies
  • drop into deeper beta and theta states
  • feel more connected to our light & essence
  • gain clarity on who we are, our purpose and goals
  • access our subconscious and embodied knowing

You will integrate with a nourishing, yet powerful sound bath by Mia who has an amazing voice and plays the guitar and handpan as well as bowls to relax more deeply and Evolva hand crafted tea blends and snacks to ground.

What you’ll receive:

  • Ceremonial cleansing from Love Alkemy
  • Cacao ceremony/ elemental meditation, voice activation & movement
  • Full moon highlights, intentions & oracle card readings and fire ceremony
  • Rebirthing breathwork journey with Chrissie to reset your nervous system to feel safe to release
  • Sound healing by Mia using Crystal bowls, chimes, handpan, her beautiful vocals and guitar and more…
  • Time to connect & integrate with amazing Evolva tea, snacks & hugs

More about Chrissie:

Chrissie is a Rebirthing breathwork & Shamanic Cacao ceremony facilitator. Loving the power of both to open our hearts and come back to the truth of who we are, Chrissie offers 1:1 & group journeys to take people deeper & reset our nervous systems to feel safe & connected to release old limiting beliefs and trauma holding us back from our true essence & shining brightly!

Chrissie is also a yoga, meditation & pranayama teacher, naturopath and Bodytalk, reiki & chakra energy healer, offering a holistic approach to healing.

Chrissie loves holding a safe space for her students working with the seen and unseen to create a safe container to feel supported on their journey and to be able to be vulnerable and drop deeper to connect back to themselves and their light. Her warmth and empathy creates a powerful healing presence.

More about Mia:
Mia is a multi talented creative being who is continually expanding in many mediums.

She has been singing all her life, and believes sharing this gift is the spirit reason she is here on this Earth.

She has studied many instruments - piano since she was six years old, guitar for over ten years and handpan for two years.

She has taken a recent venture into the art of sound healing, using crystal and Tibetan sound bowls, medicine drum, handpan, guitar, vocals and other percussive and melodic instruments to guide her clients on a journey of sound to promote cleansing and healing of the chakra energy centres.


Q. It's my first time, is it ok for me to come?

Yes all are welcome. Everyone's journey will be different and it's normal to feel physical, emotional and mental sensations. I will guide you through what to expect before we start our journey together and you will have a chance to ask any questions.

Q. I am pregnant, is this suitable for me?

I would recommend not coming if you're within the first trimester/ 12 weeks.

Q. What are the contraindications:

First trimester pregnancy
History of seizures
Heart issues/ high blood pressure
Recent surgery recovery

Q. Can I eat before?
Breathwork is best done on an empty stomach so try to eat a big late lunch if possible so you are not full. Ideally don't eat anything too big 1-2 hours beforehand. There will be snacks at the end to ground.

Q. Is there parking?
You can park around Bondi road and the back streets


Bring a yoga mat, water bottle and layers of clothing and blankets for underneath and on top of you as your body temperature can change and perhaps a pillow for your head and under your knees as you will be lying down for 1 hour.

Also bring a keep cup if you have one for the cacao and/or tea.

You are also welcome to bring something to pop onto the altar to charge it with the beautiful energy of the night.

Try to not eat too much 1-2 hours prior so you are not too full for the breathwork. There will be a few snacks afterwards. If you are sensitive to cacao, a little snack beforehand can be good.



First release


Second release



Hugh Bamford Reserve Hall
Hugh Bamford Reserve
North Bondi