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Columbia Faith & Life Conference

Friday, 2 February '24   1 day
Columbia Presbyterian Church, 805 Columbia Ridge Drive, Vancouver WA 98664


Paul writes in Romans that “the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God.” Eric will share about how in Beer Sheba the children of God have been revealed, and the creation has become renewed and rejoices by producing in abundance. Eric Toumieux will help us see how our redemption and salvation is linked to the redemption of the whole of creation (Romans 8:19-22, Revelation 21). He will have plenty of examples to share with us from the Beer Sheba project in Senegal.

At Beer Sheba he and the community of people have developed a self-sustaining project that is a base for education, evangelism, community development, and medical care to the surrounding Muslim communities. The blessing of new earth is rising from the cursed ground of the old earth. Hallelujah! God makes all things new.


Conference Schedule:

Friday, February 2
Dessert gathering and Session #1 "The God of All Creation"

Saturday, February 3
Session #2 "Stewards of the New Creation"

10:15AM - Break

10:45AM - Session #3 "The End of All Things"

12:00PM - Lunch

1:30PM - Breakout Sessions:
"African Women in the Bible" with Heesuk Toumieux
"Becoming Stewards of Creation - A Practical Guide" with Eric Toumieux

Sunday, February 4
9:00 & 10:30AM - Worship Services
"The Gospel of Creation"



Adult Admission

Available until Sat 3 Feb 12am

Adult Admission & Lunch

Available until Sat 3 Feb 12am

Youth Admission

Available until Sat 3 Feb 12am

Youth Admission with Lunch

Available until Sat 3 Feb 12am


Columbia Presbyterian Church
805 Columbia Ridge Drive
Vancouver WA 98664