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Shifting Perspectives Through Whole Body Intelligence

Thursday, 27 June '24   4 days
Shifting Perspectives Through Whole Body Intelligence


Alpine Masterclass
27-30th June 2024
Hosted by: Gib Bulloch & Natalia Candebat Stepanova

In Craigberoch, we believe that business can change the world and that we, as individuals, can change the business world. However, the most profound change must start with ourselves. Sustainable Development can only be successful if married with inner development.

We need to tap into not just the power of the mind, but also the broader energy and intelligence contained within our bodies and our emotions, the sentient intelligence of our hearts.

We’re excited to launch a 3 day immersion experience called “Shifting Perspectives Through Whole Body Intelligence”. This rich and inspiring programme will have at its heart a combination of meditation, movement and breath work. We’ll incorporate powerful and fun exercises from the world of art, music and sophrology to help us move beyond our obsession with the linear mind and tap into the innate deeper resources of our bodies and emotions.

What to expect?:
Relax & Restore: rejuvenate amidst the Alps' air, nature, sauna, jacuzzi & cuisine
Gain clarity on life questions using intuition, body, and emotional intelligence
Deepen awareness with transformative yoga, meditation and movement practices.
Connect through shared experiences and collective wisdom
Celebrate playfulness with joyful, sensory-rich creative explorations
Explore and expand your mind's potential fully
Discover & leave with practical tools to calm, align and energize daily

The programme will be hosted by two of Craigberoch’s experienced cast:

Gib Bulloch,
Speaker, Writer, Consultant
Founder and CEO, Craigberoch Business Decelerator

Gib Bulloch spent 20 years in Accenture as a so-called “intrapreneur”, most of it as the Founder and Executive Director of the company's not-for-profit consulting business, Accenture Development Partnerships. His changemaker journey was chronicled in his first book, The Intrapreneur: Confessions of a corporate insurgent - a personal story of the challenges of driving change in the face of the “corporate immune system”. Gib is now focussed on driving social and environmental innovation through more conscious leadership in business and is a student of world renowned Zulma Reyo at her School of Consciousness in Majorca

Natalia Candebat Stepanova,
Qualified Coach & Sophrologist,
Certified Neuroscience for Business,
Multimedia Artist

Natalia combines expertise in corporate well-being with a rich background in Arts, Neuroscience and Sophrology, guiding individuals to unlock potential through mindfulness and creativity. Natalia also serves as a consultant for the United Nations and brings her 13+ years of experience in private and public international sectors into her coaching programs.


The weekend will be held in luxurious Chalet Gilbert in the stunning natural environment of the Haute Savoie in the French Alps. Less than 90 minutes from Geneva and complete with sauna, jacuzzi and open log fire, this is the perfect place for relaxation and deep connection.

27-30 June*: Essert Romand, French Alps

*Arrive by 6pm on 27th and finish by 4pm on the 30th.

Please email us at for details on pricing.



Shared Room

Includes all meals and accommodation in a shared room
£650.00 + VAT

Double Room, Double Occupancy - £690pp

Includes all meals and accommodation
£690.00 + VAT

Double Room, Single Occupancy

Includes all meals and accommodation
£999.00 + VAT

Non-refundable Deposit

A non-refundable deposit paid and final payment made 3 weeks prior to the event.
£150.00 + VAT