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Planning for EAL

Monday, 20 January '25   7pm – 8pm GMT
Planning for EAL

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Title: Planning for EAL
Tutor: Aoife Merrins-Gallagher
Date and time: 20th January 2025 7 - 8 pm-Webinar

This webinar is specially designed for primary teachers of EAL learners. Curriculum documents are central resources in this webinar and are further unpacked within the session to inform planning to support EAL learners. Exemplars of EAL planning are provided according to each level of English language proficiency (A1, A2 and B1).
Common pitfalls and challenges are also discussed to ensure participants develop a skill set of resilience for EAL planning.
Review curriculum documentation that supports the EAL planning process in Irish primary schools
Explore exemplars of EAL planning according to A1, A2 and B1 levels of English language proficiency
Support Materials / Resources
5-minutes Q & A following each webinar
Shared Google Drive with Handouts
Bio: Aoife Merrins-Gallagher
Aoife is a primary school teacher with experience in both mainstream and support positions since 2013. Her recent doctoral research, funded by the DCU-INTO150 PhD scholarship, designed, developed and delivered an English-Irish oral narrative programme for nine linguistically diverse infant classrooms (Tell-a-Tale | Inis Scéal).
Aoife has lectured in DCU and MU, and frequently facilitates webinars through Education Centres. She has authored and delivered DE approved face-to-face and online EAL summer courses since 2021. Aoife is a member of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation, Mother Tongues Ireland and Children’s Research Network. Her experiences as a teacher, lecturer and researcher can demystify the world of EAL for webinar attendees.


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