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Meet the MTA -West Wycombe, Naphill Common, Bradenham village circular (4201)

Sunday, 2 June '24   10:15am – 2pm BST
St Lawrence's Church, Church Lane, West Wycombe, High Wycombe, HP14 3AH
Only 3 spaces left


Our circular walk starts from the free NT car park located on the imposing hilltop featuring the medieval

St. Lawrence Church and the historical Dashwood Mausoleum at West Wycombe, descending past the infamous Hell- Fire Caves and follow the path leading into the lovely Chiltern countryside. After a short heart pumping climb towards Downley the walk continues on fairly flat terrain through Naphill Common woodland and then descends to the Bradenham Estate and manor house where Queen Victoria's favourite Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli lived as a part of his early life.
The walk is through a large area of mixed oak and beech trees and designated an SSSI area.
After a short lunch break here we cross over the busy A4010 to ascend the path to Noble Farm and continue through beautiful woodland and views through Hearton Woods back to the car park and amble around the church and the mausoleum.
Pls. bring a packed lunch and drinks for the lunch stop on the village green.








St Lawrence's Church
Church Lane
West Wycombe
High Wycombe
HP14 3AH

FREE National Trust car park , St. Lawrences Church ( up Church Lane) near the Mausoleum at top of the hill.
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