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Finding your FLOW - MTB course

Sunday, 4 May '25   9am – 12pm BST
Cycle4adventure at Hamsterley Forest, Redford Lane, Bishop Auckland, DL13 3NL
12 years and over
8 spaces available
Finding your FLOW - MTB course


Finding Your FLOW - MTB course

This three hour course is for those riders who want to find their FLOW, and currently ride (or looking to ride) their Mountain Bikes on Red graded trails and Moorland single track, but want to progress on to more technical terrain; whether more technical Red and Black trails, or venturing onto more technical Hill and Mountain single track.

This course is designed to set you up so you can start to tackle the harder Mountain Bike trails. The course will allow you to develop your existing skills and reinforce the techniques needed to ride these gnarly routes, including:

  • How to find your FLOW
  • Choosing a good line
  • Braking and speed control
  • Flowing over obstacles.

The course also aims to inform you about riding safely so you enjoy the sport.


When booking PLEASE CHECK EMAILS (inc Spam/Junk files) FOR CONFIRMATION AND JOINING EMAILS FROM BookWhen AND If you do not receive the confirmation within 24 hours of booking, please email

Please see links to my website activity page of your chosen activity:-

Please visit our Location information and downloadable forms page to discover:-
• Your venue joining information sheet
• Our consent and medical Information form
• Our Bike Check sheet

Please see links on our website activity page of your chosen activity:-
• What to bring and essential equipment -
• Risk & Consent statements -
• Conditions of booking -
For more information on What to Bring on your MTB sessions, please watch our YouTube video

Consent, Safety and Medical form
Please can you complete a Consent, Safety and Medical (included with this information) for each participant and return via email no later than 5.00pm two days prior to your booked session.

NEW - Bike Hire
We now have a small number of bikes for customers to hire on courses, camps and guided rides. To find out more information on our hire bikes

Note on e-bikes
Please note if you are doing any of our MTB coaching sessions or guided rides on an e-bike, you MUST be over 14 years of age and the bike must conform to British “pedalec” laws. Please contact me if you require further information.

Further information
We will make the session as enjoyable, safe and informative as possible; if you have any specific requirements for this session, please let us know prior to the session to help us plan.

I want you enjoy your MTB session with us; if you have any questions, please contact me.



Finding your FLOW - MTB course

8 available until Fri 2 May 4pm
To Book on "Finding your FLOW" and ROCK'n'DROP on the same day and save 10% - click on the "Finding your FLOW and ROCK'n'DROP combined course" booking under "Finding your FLOW"

Finding your FLOW and ROCK'n'DROP combined course

4 available until Wed 30 Apr 5pm
Book on both "Finding your FLOW" and "ROCK'n'DROP" courses, on the same day


Cycle4adventure at Hamsterley Forest
Redford Lane
Bishop Auckland
DL13 3NL

Please see the Hamsterley Forest - Forestry England website for latest parking fees and information on this location:-


  • Toilets
  • Parking
  • Baby changing