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lørdag, 10 juni '23   2 dage
Browne School of Art, 194 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland, 1021
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Course Code: SCWFS223
Tutor: Georgie Hill
When: Sat & Sun 10am - 4pm
Dates: 10 & 11 June 2023
Duration: 2 days
Maximum Enrolment: 12

Cost: $215

"One must paint with the outer eye and inner eye, backward and forward, inside out and upside down, sideways, as a metaphysical aeroplane might go”. Eileen Agar.

This course will explore the dancing, light-filled medium of watercolour and investigate ways to create dynamic compositions through the use of line, colour, texture and form to build rhythm and balance. Learn to harness both the potential for glowing delicacy and the deep expressive power of this fascinating medium.

Each week, students will examine examples of paintings that employ the watercolour medium to powerful effect. This includes artists such as Paul Klee, Frances Hodgkins, Georgia O'Keefe, Eileen Agar, Francesco Clemente, Charles Burchfield and Cecily Brown. There will be discussions on the strengths of those artists while students experiment with similar painting techniques and approaches.

One exploration involves collage techniques as a tool to stimulate visual ideas, allowing the freedom to cut and juxtapose imagery to build our compositions, creating rhythm and structure. Students will experiment with gouache, acrylic ink and graphite in combination with watercolour paint on paper to create contrasting and textural elements.

The course is suitable for beginners and for those who wish to work further with the medium and will focus on an experimental mixed-media approach.

NB: Please remember to bring materials from the course "materials list" online.


Materials list
Fluidity & Structure workshop

A basic kit of materials to get you up and going is listed here. Specialist art shops are the best option
and will provide student discounts if you mention that you are attending the school.

The stores we recommend are:
• Studio Art Supplies: Crummer Road, Grey Lynn.
• The French Art Shop: Taylors Road, Morningside (beside Briscoes)
• Gordon Harris: Gillies Avenue, Newmarket and Symonds Street, Auckland Central
• Takapuna Art Supplies: Helensville or online

•Watercolourpad A4 (for experiments), recommended: Fabriano1264W/Colour300GA4TopSpiral Pad (30) (available at Gordon Harris and Studio Art Supplies).
• Watercolour block - recommended: Hahnemühle Hahn Harmony W/C 300G block 4 sides glued A3
• Water colour brushes of your choice: at least 3 different size brushes - recommended: a round and a flat
or mop watercolour brush for washes (synthetic or real hair ok)

Your tutor will bring in some brushes to demonstrate the different varieties available
• Painter’s tape: delicate (purple-coloured tape)
• A rag: to dry brushes between changing colours
• Paper towels
• Watercolours of your choice: recommended to bring a set with a range of colours from tubes or blocks
(pans). The 3 primary colours (red, yellow, blue) are a good start. Both tube colours and pans are good
(it comes down to personal preference).
• A craft knife for precision cutting of paper materials, and a small metal ruler for cutting

This list is a general guide only. The majority (not necessarily all) of these materials may be used as students progress.



Standard Booking

Tilgængelig indtil lør 10 jun '23 10:00
Online payment includes payment fee of 2.9% + NZ$0.30. Offline payment details on confirmation page.

Standard Booking + $10.00 BSA Student Fund - Donation

Tilgængelig indtil lør 10 jun '23 10:00
A $10 donation will go to our BSA Student Fund - helping those who are unwaged or under financial hardship (with a Community Services Card) to attend our courses.


Browne School of Art
194 Great North Road
Grey Lynn