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HOPE + PEACE ~ Fundraiser for Gaza

søndag, 21 april '24   15:00 – 18:00 BST
The Mount Without, Upper Church Lane, Bristol, BS2 8FN



Join me for an afternoon of breathwork, yoga, cacao, and sound as we hold those affected by conflict in our hearts and send a collective prayer for peace in Gaza in the beautiful Mount Without.

Remembering the importance of being at peace within ourselves and the ripple effect this can have as we move into the world, we will use the breath and body to create calm and presence. The tools of Kundalini Global Yoga & breathwork help us to regulate the nervous system and respond from a place of peace.

Through a dynamic practice of breath and posture we’ll activate the energetic body, finding deep presence and expansion. Some breaths will be expansive and transformational, others soft and gentle, both will allow us to arrive in our bodies, and reset our stress system.

We will begin by sharing some cacao, and setting an intention, before we move into a guided breathwork journey and a practice of breath led yoga, and finish with a crystal bowl sound bath.

Let’s gather together in community to hold the intention of peace in this sacred space where people have gathered for over 900yrs.

All profits go to Doctors Without Borders (https://msf.org.uk) and The Amos Trust (https://www.amostrust.org/)

Doctors Without Borders

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) / Doctors Without Borders is an international humanitarian organisation providing medical care to people caught in complex crises and chronic healthcare emergencies around the world including conflict zones, natural disasters and epidemics.

The Amos Trust

A small creative human rights organisation committed to challenging injustice, building hope, and creating positive change. Working with local and international peace activists, and partnering with grass-roots projects, to call for peace, reconciliation and full equal rights for all Palestinians and Israelis.


There will be mats. Please bring a warm blanket, a notepad and a water bottle.



Standard Plus

Standard + a nominal donation

Standard ticket


Concession ticket

No code needed, simply select and check out.


We're facilitating donations for Doctors Without Borders and the Amos Trust. to support those in need in Gaza. Every contribution will directly aid individuals in distress. If you'd like to donate more than £10, kindly select multiple tickets.


The Mount Without
Upper Church Lane