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Dealing with Controlling / Intimidating / Manipulative Personalities in the Workplace

tirsdag, 29 oktober '24   09:00 – 12:00 GMT
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Dealing with Controlling / Intimidating / Manipulative Personalities in the Workplace

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A three hour online programme using a range of new material, strategies and information. We will be looking at understanding and managing controlling, intimidating and manipulative personalities not only in staff but peers, senior staff and customer / service uses.

Key workshop objectives:

  • Define what is meant by this type of behaviour / personality
  • Understand and identify key traits relating to this type of behaviour
  • Understand key strategies used to control / intimidate / manipulate
  • How to recognise this type of behaviour at all levels in the workplace
  • How to manage this type of behaviour at all levels in the workplace
  • How to avoid the dramas and the traps this behaviour so often creates.

The workshop is delivered online in three hours in duration. Each workshop has a limited number of participants to ensure quality of delivery and full benefit to all involved. This session will also include course notes and a workbook
with a number of techniques and exercises for staff to work through as well as a reflective journal as optional resources aimed at helping you to cope and manage these very difficult and challenging times

Course tutor - Martin Smith PhD
Martin is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Psychotherapy and the Social Sciences at Nottingham Trent University, a specialist trainer in mental health, communication, interpersonal skills, and conflict management with over thirty years training experience. He is also a Psychotherapist with a private practice specialising in the treatment of a range of mental health issues. He has been in
clinical practice for over 20 years. He has specialised in extreme difficult behaviour in the workplace and personality issues which go well beyond simply awkward for over ten years and has written a number of online articles on this



You will receive link to the session one week prior to the workshop

If they haven't received any joining instructions a week before the event please contact Martin Smith on mjsitc@icloud.com



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