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Yoga and Ayurvedic Self-Care - Half Day Retreat

onsdag, 1 maj '24   16:30 – 19:30 BST
The Farm at Avebury, Galteemore Farm, Beckhampton, Marlborough, SN8 1QJ
Fuldt booket
Yoga and Ayurvedic Self-Care - Half Day Retreat


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"I cannot be healthy unless I feel free of internal conflict and stress; in harmony with my inner wisdom and emotions; and with vibrant connection to loved ones and nature. There is no way to achieve physical health without addressing all of ourselves.' - Dr Siva Mohan

Known as yoga's sister-science, Ayurveda is broad - it's a big picture, healthy lifestyle. It's a holistic approach that emphasises being in tune with ourselves so we are always shifting towards what feels best. It offers a framework that attends to healing our bodies, our emotional wellness and spiritual growth.

All curious souls are welcome to join me on this transformative journey of self-discovery. Learn to be an expert in the patterns in your body and mind, reclaim your power to witness, and respond to these patterns in ways that allow you to heal and thrive. Our exploration inwards will guide us to who we really are, teach us to recognise imbalances, and help us prioritise what we truly need and be honest about what we must let go of. Every retreat is different but will always focus on developing a deeper connection with our bodies and ourselves, learning to trust our instinct and creating positive new habits.

On the 1st May, exactly in between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, we mark Beltane.
Please join us to celebrate rebirth, growth, abundance and creativity.

  • Welcome circle
  • Introduction to the principles of Ayurvedic Self-Care
  • Ayurveda-inspired ‘Soulful & Seasonal’ yoga masterclass
  • Pranayama (breathing practice) and meditation
  • Use of essential oils and self-massage
  • Herbal teas and home-made treats
  • Silent, meditative walk and journaling
  • Deep guided relaxation

We are our own best teachers and healers. I’d love to guide you towards reclaiming your own power.

Groups are small, with lots of space and personal attention. No yoga experience is required but a strong interest in self healing and a commitment to personal growth are essential.


Please make sure you wear something comfortable and bring plenty of layers (warm socks, extra top, blanket and suitable footwear for our walk), plus a journal and pen. Yoga mats are available to use.



Half Day Retreat


EARLY BIRD Half Day Retreat



The Farm at Avebury
Galteemore Farm