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RYA Sailing Stage 2

Samstag, 28 April '18   09:30 – 15:30 BST
3rd Chalkwell Bay Sea Scout Group, The Den, Victoria Wharf, High Street, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 2EN


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Diese Information ist optional, kann aber für den Veranstalter hilfreich sein.


Confident sailing

A range of sailing skills and knowledge to help in becoming a confident sailor.


Unless agreed with the instructor team, you should have already completed the RYA Stage 1 course, plus at least 4 hours of practice logged over 2 sessions (either at The Den or your own sailing club).


This is a 2 day course running all weekend. Attendance is required on both days to complete the course.

Cost: £15

This is to cover the RYA youth sailing logbook (if required), certificate and safety boat fuel. (This is much less than cost price). The instructors are volunteers and are not paid.

Full details on timings and what to bring will be sent two weeks before the course. Contact boating@3rdCB.org.uk if you have any further questions.



Pay on the day

Please bring £15 cash or cheque (payable to "3rd Chalkwell Bay Sea Scouts")


3rd Chalkwell Bay Sea Scout Group
The Den, Victoria Wharf
High Street