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Donnerstag, 11 Februar '21   9 Wochen
Browne School of Art, 194 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland, 1021


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Course Code: ELD121
Tutor: Anton Chapman
When: Thur 6.30 - 8.30pm
Dates: 11 Feb - 8 Apr 2021
Duration: 9 Weeks
Maximum Enrolment: 12

Cost: $340

Observation of the human form has always traditionally been at the forefront of an artist’s training. The challenge and fascination of drawing the figure from life is just as relevant and important today.

This life drawing course introduces and reinforces an understanding of the fundamental components and subtleties of the human body and leads to the translation of form through line, an understanding of mass and tonal relationships, of structure, proportion, and space.

​Developments are encouraged in interpretation and individual expression through visual investigation and invention.

The model’s fee is included in the course fee.

NB: Please remember to bring materials from the course "materials list" online.



Standard Booking

Online payment includes payment fee of 2.9% + NZ$0.30. Offline payment details on confirmation page.

Standard Booking + $10.00 BSA Student Fund - Donation

A $10 donation will go to our BSA Student Fund - helping those who are unwaged or under financial hardship (with a Community Services Card) to attend our courses.


Browne School of Art
194 Great North Road
Grey Lynn