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Essential Skills for Teens for Social and Professional Success, ages 13 to 17(Nov. Seattle)

Freitag, 10 November '17   10:00 – 14:00 PST
World Trade Center Seattle, 2200 Alaskan Way #410, Seattle WA 98121


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In this class, teens, ages 13 to 17, will learn the essential skills they need to confidently and comfortably navigate social and professional situations.

This fun, interactive four hour class will cover introductions and handshakes, confident body language, digital diplomacy (cell phones, email, texting and social media), conversation skills, interview essentials as well as table manners and dining etiquette.

Tuition: $112 per teen, which includes a three-course lunch, handouts and goodies. Space is limited to 12 teens. Additional classes can be added if the class fills up. If you have questions about this or any of our children's classes please email arden (at) cliseetiquette.com. Please see our cancellation policy below.


Friday, November 10 (Veteran's Day), Seattle World Trade Center, Seattle
Class is 10am to 2pm



Teen Student



World Trade Center Seattle
2200 Alaskan Way #410
Seattle WA 98121