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Fall Foraging and Tree Identification

Samstag, 6 Oktober '18   09:00 – 16:30 CDT
La Farge


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Fall Foraging and Tree Identification
Instructor: Nicolas Wazee Gale

Fall is the season of true abundance in Nature, with nuts, seeds, bulbs and roots available as the plant world prepares for winter. The keys to this treasure are awareness, tree recognition, and energy invested by the forager, so we will get out and learn to recognize the forms and cues that show the way, and how to collect and utilize the bounty. A great day of observing, gathering, knowledge sharing, and feasting awaits us!

Date: 10/6/2018
Registration Deadline: 10/1/2018
Class Time: 9am - 4:30pm
Class Fee: $75
Material Fee: $5

Location: La Farge, WI

Course details and location directions will be emailed to you 1 week before the course. Please provide accurate contact information to ensure that you receive these details.



Standard Registration


VFC Membership Registration

Viroqua Food Co-op Owners receive a $10 discount on this course! Please enter your VFC owner number in “other information” when registering to get discount.


La Farge