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Herbal and Goat Milk Soap Making, with Linda Conroy

Samstag, 9 März '24   09:00 – 16:30 CST
12 jahre und über


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A full day of making soap. We will cover the myriad ways to add herbs for your soap, as well as how to make a creamy, moisturizing farm-fresh bar of goat milk soap. This class will cover the qualities of the herbs we can add, for their healing and moisturizing qualities and 3 approaches to soap making: hot process, cold process, and hand milling. In addition to making soap, we will learn to felt soap as well as add loofah sponges for exfoliation as well as additional nourishing skin qualities. This is a comprehensive soap-making class, that will offer a foundation for making soap with the best ingredients from the field, forest, and farm. Participants will leave with many bars of soap to cure at home, a recipe guide and skills for a lifetime.

Date: Saturday, March 9
Time: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Lunch will be provided.
Ages: 12+
Materials Fees: $25
Location: TBD

Sliding Scale Course Fee Guidelines (not including materials fee)

Supporter Level Ticket: $130
If you are someone who finds it easy to move in the world financially – with enough discretionary funds to fulfill many of your wants as well as your needs, consider paying at this level, which will support both the Folk School and its instructors, along with others in the community.

Sustainer Level Ticket: $105
If you need to budget your educational and entertainment spending – you can take classes and eat out occasionally as long as you are mindful – consider paying at this level, which will help sustain the Folk School at a modest level.

Supported Level Ticket: $80
If you struggle to fund your basic needs, or carry a burden of debt or support for others in your family or community, consider paying at this level, allowing the Folk School and our contributors to fulfill our goals toward supporting and enriching our community.

Weitere Informationen

Bring a mask, and water and snacks as you require.

Also bring an apron, sturdy rubber gloves and safety goggles.



FD Supporter

Includes materials fee and lunch

FD Sustainer

Includes materials fee and lunch.

FD Supported

Includes materials fee and lunch.