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DATE MOVED TO 21st MARCH - Link to book is in the course description - CCS NHS Trust Oral Health Training and Toolkit for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Primary Teachers – Key messages to integrate into lesson planning.

Mittwoch, 1 März '23   15:45 – 16:45 GMT


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This free 1 hour CPD webinar delivered by the Cambridgeshire Community Services Oral Health Team is designed to support teaching staff by upskilling and improving confidence in delivering Oral Health Promotion in the classroom. This will include key oral health messages and basic trauma management along with ideas and suggestions on how best to integrate these into lesson planning to ensure national curriculum requirements are met. The presentation will be followed up with a simple toolkit to support this.


CCS NHS Trust Oral Health Training and Toolkit for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Primary Teachers – Key messages to integrate into lesson planning.