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KIDS FUN FEST Muckypups + Tuni Tuni, toddlers 3:00pm Polliwogs Vivo (1-3 yr olds)

Dienstag, 18 Februar '25   15:00 – 17:00 UTC +8
The Polliwogs VivoCity, 1 Harbourfront Walk #03-12 VivoCity, Singapore, Singapore, 098585


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Kids Fun Fest for 1-3 year olds. A 2 hour session of fun activities from Muckypups and Tuni Tuni. Includes messy play, games, painting, bubbles, active role play, gym and storytelling activities. Children must be accompanied by only 1 parent/carer. Includes free play AFTER the class in the Polliwogs indoor playground. Pls bring socks.

Weitere Informationen

Only one accompanying adult per attending child.
All attendees are asked to wash hands before & after the class.
No shoes to be worn in class. Please BRING SOCKS.



Kids Fun Fest

Kids Fun Fest Muckypups + Tuni Tuni at Polliwogs. This ticket is for Kids Fun Fest for the 18th Feb. Only one ticket can be booked for each child. We cannot offer replacement for a missed session.


The Polliwogs VivoCity
1 Harbourfront Walk #03-12 VivoCity

Paid parking on site in Vivo City
Polliwogs is on the third floor on the open walkway deck between vivo and Harbourfront. Class will be held in the Party room.
Polliwogs has a great indoor playground with many soft play areas and special toddler space (for under 3's) plus a cafe area.


  • Toiletten
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  • Baby wickeln