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Nam Lowen
Yoga Instructor

Hi, I'm Nam and I started teaching Yoga in 2010. The aim was to share all the experience and knowledge that I gained about Yoga to people that wanted strength and connection in this busy world.

A lot has changed since then and Namas Yoga has grown into group classes, personalised 1:1 sessions, workshops, postnatal Yoga sessions and including events such as Adidas Studio London and The Mummy Tribe retreat. Namas Yoga is also taught at various companies so that office workers can come together, do Yoga and reduce anxiety and stress that's found in many working environments.

Kommende Veranstaltungen mit Nam Lowen
Ab 18 Jun 2024
Juni, 2024
19 Mi 19:00 BST
20 Do 18:30 BST
24 Mo 18:00 BST
26 Mi 19:00 BST
27 Do 18:30 BST
1 Mo 18:00 BST
3 Mi 19:00 BST
4 Do 18:30 BST
8 Mo 18:00 BST
10 Mi 19:00 BST
11 Do 18:30 BST
15 Mo 18:00 BST
17 Mi 19:00 BST
18 Do 18:30 BST
22 Mo 18:00 BST
Zeitzone der angezeigte Zeiten: London