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French Open Doubles Grand Slam Event - Eaton Park

Sonntag, 2 Juni '24   10:00 – 13:00 BST
Eaton Park, South Park Avenue, Norwich, NR4 7AZ
French Open Doubles Grand Slam Event - Eaton Park


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All events are aimed at adult intermediate players, as long as you can hold a rally from the back of the court you will be fine!

These events are FREE if you hold a Coaching Plan+ subscription, and for £11 everyone else.

Each grand slam is a social doubles event for men and women, you can come as a pair or we will pair everyone up on the day.

Please note: This is a social event so the organiser may split a pairing if much stronger than the rest.

Weitere Informationen

Please arrive with:

Your Racket (rackets available to borrow if required!)


Appropriate clothing depending on the weather



Eaton Park French Open Grand Slam Event



Eaton Park
South Park Avenue

Courts are next to the cafe in the centre of the park.


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