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FREE TRIAL - Adults Making Class

Mittwoch, 12 Oktober '22   18:45 – 20:15 BST
The Fashion School, 6 Burnsall Street, 1st Floor, London, SW3 3ST
18 zu 100 jahre


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Promotional deal - limited spaces available

A trial class is a good way to try out our classes before committing to the rest of the term.
We are allowing new students (anyone who has not attended a weekly class) to sign up to a free trial. This will enable the student to meet their tutor & class mates, get a machine induction and a feel of the class.

Level: Beginner Friendly



FREE TRIAL - Adults Making Class



The Fashion School
6 Burnsall Street
1st Floor,

Cross through the courtyard to the stairway.
We are on the 1st floor, next to Heartcore pilates studio.


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