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Summer Yogalates Workshop - Yoga and Pilates

Sonntag, 23 Juni '24   09:30 – 13:30 BST
Suffolk Food Hall, Ipswich, IP9 2AB
Summer Yogalates Workshop - Yoga and Pilates


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Welcome to Summer!

We are so excited to be offering this chance to spend some time relaxing, refreshing and re-energising with a half day workshop focusing on Pilates and Yoga, finishing off with relaxing meditation and locally sourced lunch.

The morning will begin with a Pilates workout, focusing on range of band, core and traditional Pilate based activities, working with an experienced Pilates instructor and class instructor.

Followed by developing some traditional yoga poses and learning how to go into them a little bit deeper. We will also practice some lovely Vinyasa flow's.
Finishing the morning with a calming relaxation/meditation as we prepare for lunch.

There will also be refreshments and pamper products supplied through Neal's Yard (products will be available to purchase).

The morning will then include a locally sourced light lunch.

All surrounded by views of the beautiful Suffolk countryside.

Can't wait for you to join us on 7th July 2024!

Weitere Informationen

Please just bring yourself, wearing comfortable clothes you are happy to move around in.
Mat's, props and lunch will all be provided as part of the package.



Summer - Yogalates workshop and retreat x



Suffolk Food Hall


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