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Teaching the Very Hard Skills - a workshop on developing engineering students’ transversal skills VIENNA

Friday, 4 October '24   9:45am – 4:15pm CEST
MAXX by Steigenberger Hotel Vienna, Margaretengürtel 142, Wien, Margareten, 1050
39 spaces available
Teaching the Very Hard Skills - a workshop on developing engineering students’ transversal skills VIENNA


The 3T PLAY project at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) invites you to a one-day professional development opportunity focusing on teaching transversal skills

  • in Vienna on October 4th, 2024 (9h45-16h15)
  • based on the evidence-informed, scholarly output from a multi-year translational research project
  • discover open-source activities that you can adapt for your own context
  • complemented by a framework for designing experiential learning activities focusing on transversal skills

TARGET AUDIENCE - Professors, teachers and pedagogical advisors who work with science and engineering students.
COST - You are responsible for your own transportation; we provide lunch and all workshop materials. SCHOLARSHIPS possible for people coming from lower-income* or EU expanding horizons** countries - check the box in the application form to be considered.

Please help us reach a wide audience by sharing this opportunity.

9h30 coffee, registration
10h welcome and introduction to the 3T PLAY project
10h30 workshop 1 (choice of two in parallel)
12h30 complimentary lunch
13h45 workshop 2 (choice of two in parallel)
16h15 end

*list of lower-income countries
**list of EU expanding horizons countries


39 available until Thu 3 Oct 9:45am


MAXX by Steigenberger Hotel Vienna
Margaretengürtel 142