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Be the Star of your own Life: a weekend retreat

viernes, 30 octubre '20   3 días
Brahma Kumaris Centre for Spiritual Learning Illawarra, 150 MacArthur Drive, Wilton, NSW, 2571
Completamente lleno

Lista de espera

No quedan plazas para este evento, pero puede agregarse a la lista de espera.

Ingrese sus datos a continuación para ser informado por correo electrónico cuando una plaza quede disponible. Deberá responder rápidamente al correo electrónico para asegurarse la plaza que quede disponible.

Se le notificará por correo electrónico si una plaza queda disponible.
Esto es opcional pero puede ser útil para el organizador del evento.


Arrival time is between 5-7pm on Friday evening. Departure will be after lunch on Sunday at approximately 2pm.

Places are limited

The world is a huge theatre and our lives are drama performances in which we are actors playing our unique parts. Be the star performer in your life, with the knowledge, skills and insight to remain peaceful, stable and accepting in the amazing ever-changing scenes of this drama called 'life'.

In this retreat, we will explore this topic through personal reflection, group sharing, activities, meditation and relaxation.

Facilitator: Di Gamble


Be the Star of you own Life


Brahma Kumaris Centre for Spiritual Learning Illawarra
150 MacArthur Drive