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Everything Starts with the Heart

viernes, 21 mayo '21   3 días
Brahma Kumaris Centre for Spiritual Learning Illawarra, 150 MacArthur Drive, Wilton, NSW, 2571
Completamente lleno

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Arrival time is between 5-6.30pm on Friday evening. Departure will be after lunch on Sunday at approximately 2pm.

When our heart is happy, we can be kind to our self. With a clean heart, we can have good wishes for others. With a big heart, we have the strength to deal with any challenge. When we meditate, we let go and gently place our heart in the unlimited loving heart of God. This experiential retreat will explore these four key aspects of spiritual love in everyday life.

Facilitator: Katherine McHugh


Everything Starts with the Heart


Brahma Kumaris Centre for Spiritual Learning Illawarra
150 MacArthur Drive