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domingo, 13 mayo '18   11:00 – 16:00 BST
We Make Books, Studio 2, 73-96 Ludham Building, Mansfield Road, London, NW5 4SF
Completamente lleno

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In this workshop you will learn how to make a Coptic bound book and a protective slipcase. The Coptic binding is a historical, non- adhesive structure, still popular today for its flexible and beautiful format. It has hard covers and exposed sewing on the spine and opens perfectly flat which makes it ideal to use as a notebook, sketchbook, photo album or to incorporate your own artwork or writing.

You will learn how to prepare the covers and sections and sew the book together. In the second half of the workshop, we will be making a bookcloth covered slipcase designed to fit the Coptic book. The slipcase is an open-edged box that leaves the spine visible while protecting the book. This workshop is suitable for complete beginners as well as those with some experience in bookbinding.

Tutor: Lina Avramidou

Fee: £65 [includes all materials and refreshments]

*Refund Policy: For cancellations with less than 2 weeks notice, we cannot guarantee a refund unless we can fill your place. If your place is filled your fee will be refunded. For workshop transfers, a 2 weeks notice is also required.




We Make Books, Studio 2, 73-96 Ludham Building, Mansfield Road, London, NW5 4SF