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lunes, 13 febrero '23   8 semanas
Browne School of Art, 194 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland, 1021
Completamente lleno

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Course Code: EPH123
Tutor: Kimberley Annan
When: Mon 6.00 - 8.00pm
Date: 13 Feb - 3 Apr 2023
Duration: 8 weeks
Maximum Enrolment: 8

Cost: $280

This course explores the multifaceted discipline of photography, offering students at all experience levels an insight into contemporary photographic practices. Students will be introduced to a wide range of creative concepts and essential techniques. Alongside learning the fundamentals of photographing a subject, students will have opportunities to develop and articulate the ideas that rest behind their images.

Each week, we will explore a different genre of photography, with accompanied technical instruction that focuses on refining individual skill. Students will be encouraged to develop their own visual language as they capture and share photographs throughout the term.


Equipment needed:
A working camera (even a phone will do!)
Notebook & pen/pencil



Standard Booking

Online payment includes payment fee of 2.9% + NZ$0.30. Offline payment details on confirmation page.

Standard Booking + $10.00 BSA Student Fund - Donation

A $10 donation will go to our BSA Student Fund - helping those who are unwaged or under financial hardship (with a Community Services Card) to attend our courses.


Browne School of Art
194 Great North Road
Grey Lynn