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Designated Safeguarding Lead - Scotland at Glasgow Kelvin

martes, 14 abril '20   09:45 – 15:30 BST
West of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow Kelvin Campus, 2317 Maryhill Road, Glasgow, G20 0SP
Cancelled due to Covid 19


Who should attend this course?

Protecting children is the responsibility of all professionals, you should attend this course if you work with children within a professional setting or school and come into contact with children and young people in the course of your work, whether in the statutory or voluntary sector.

This course is ideal for:

All professionals who may also have designated roles and responsibilities and includes:
Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Nursery Workers, Carers and Childminders, Social Workers and Health Care Professionals Youth/Activity Workers, Leaders, After School Workers and Volunteers Sports Coaches and Teachers Church/Religious Leaders and Volunteers

What will I learn?

This course will identify what makes an effective Designated Safeguarding Leader (DSL). You will reflect on past Serious Case Reviews and how these have influenced changes. You will identify how to support your team, families and children through difficult referrals. You will learn how to challenge practice, ensuring the best outcomes for children.

Key Topics:

· Discussion surrounding DSL roles and responsibilities
· Historical & legal background to Safeguarding in England
· Contemporary safeguarding issues & practices including the Prevent Duty & FGM
· Referral to Local Authorities
· Vulnerabilities to abuse

· Multi Agency working – including case study analysis
· Safeguarding paperwork



Designated Safeguarding Lead - Scotland at Glasgow Kelvin


West of Scotland Science Park
Glasgow Kelvin Campus
2317 Maryhill Road
G20 0SP