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Javier Murcia - Head Studies 2025

The Clay Centre, 145 Marua Road, Ellerslie, Auckland, 1051
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Javier Murcia - Head Studies 2025

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Fechas del curso

  • sáb, 8 mar '25   10:00 – 16:00 NZDT
  • dom, 9 mar '25   10:00 – 16:00 NZDT


Join us for a two day sculptural workshop with Javier Murcia

An accomplished figurative and portrait sculptor, Javier Murcia combines his study of both fine arts and anatomy to create figurative works that pushes human anatomy to its ‘outer’ limits.

In this workshop students will sculpt the head, face and neck in clay. They will learn and focus on simplified anatomy and fundamental proportions and elements to recreate a human head figure

Clay and tools can be purchased from us on the day.

Please note that this is a two day work shop: Saturday 8th + Sunday 9th of March 10:00am - 4:00pm

For further information and images please follow the link below to Javier's personal website.

Nivel: All Levels


Please bring your own towel and apron!



Javier Murcia - Head Studies 2025

Boleto del curso - que cubre todos los 2 fechas.
Frequently, in his previous workshops, Javier has observed students encountering challenges when sculpting heads and facial features. Issues such as oversized eyes and misplaced ears are not uncommon. This observation led to the development of “Head Studies” workshops, aimed at addressing these specific concerns.In these classes, students delve into the intricacies of facial, head, and neck construction. They employ divisions and planes as tools to guide them in creating the head from the ground up. Much like our “Simplified Figure” approach, we take a sketch-like perspective when working on the face.


The Clay Centre
145 Marua Road