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Forgotten Forest’s Little Explorers

lunes, 23 julio '18   10:00 – 11:30 BST
Forgotten Forest, 514 Bradford Road, Bailiff Bridge, Brighouse, HD6 4ED
Completamente lleno

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Get outside and into nature whilst playing in the Forgotten Forest, a small private woods attached to my garden.

There will be nature play, activities and crafts followed by hot chocolate and marshmallows around the fire.

There is also opportunities for tree climbing, den building, tool use, bug hunting, playing in the mud kitchen, digging, small world dinosaurs, loose parts play and learning about nature.

This session will run in all weathers but high winds so if it’s raining wear your coat and wellies.

Ideal for walking (18 months ish) to about 10 years olds and their grown ups.

The site is not suitable for prams and wheelchairs unfortunately.

£8 per adult and child. Siblings and extra adults are £4
Under ones are free.
Hot drinks and biscuits available.

The sessions will have a light theme that children have shown an interest in previously but you are welcome to follow your child’s interests.

We all sit around the campfire at the start and have introductions and a brief safety chat and then get on with the mornings activities.



Forgotten Forest’s Little Explorers

The price is £8 per child Siblings and extra adults are £4 Under ones are free

Additional child or adult

This is for a sibling or additional child after an adult and child ticket has been purchased. Under ones are free


Forgotten Forest
514 Bradford Road
Bailiff Bridge

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