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Maths Package: Maths Fluency Programme

martes, 5 febrero '19   09:00 – 16:30 GMT
Beechwood Junior School, Juniper Road, Southampton, SO18 4EG


Maths Fluency Programme
1 x full-day core training, 1 x in-school research task and 1 x half-day sharing event

Aimed at: Experienced Maths teachers and Maths Leaders at KS1 and KS2

It is generally accepted that accuracy and speed are crucial for developing basic maths fluency, but how are these successfully learned by pupils? What makes some children grasp basic number sense concepts more rapidly than others? This programme takes a research-oriented approach to explore successful maths fluency strategies so that they can be developed explicitly in all children to improve pupils’ achievement in maths across a whole school or within a single phase or year group.

The programme will run in conjunction with our Maths Fluency Research Project
Day 1 - 5th February 2019, Beechwood Junior School, 9:00am – 4:30pm: All day workshop to:

• identify the key components which affect pupils’ development of maths fluency
• develop a strengthened understanding of how pupils progressively learn basic number sense
• audit the impact of alternative strategies for developing maths fluency
• establish programme aims and protocols
Research task – participants explore an aspect of maths fluency within their own schools

Day 2 - 4th April 2019, Beechwood Junior School, 1:00pm - 5:00pm: shared learning event tor report on, evaluate and collate research task results

The course will be led by Chris Bulmer, Standards Officer for the Hamwic Education Trust.



HET (Internal)

HET (External)


Beechwood Junior School
Juniper Road
SO18 4EG